Friday, October 17, 2008

HYBRID DISLOCATION at Berlin's Kunsthaus Techales

A project in three parts, consisting of a performance, an interactive video installation and a dance film.

When we mix all the colours together, we either get motley or beige. When we cross a horse with a donkey, we create a mule. Through the method of cross-pollination, we create hybrids out of different cultures, geological and genetic biographies, urban and natural landscapes. What happens when one mixes folklore with contemporary dance? What "misfits" and "intelligent designs" ensue if african dance is cross pollinated with mazurka or polonaise, or tango with voodoo, calypso and Caribbean dance traditions? What are the effects on cultural identities on a globalized world population, which is increasingly on the move and influenced by one another?
Four dancers from different parts of the world: Challenge Gumbodete - Harare (Zimbabwe), Justin Kennedy - St. Croix (Virgin Islands), Simo Kellokumpu from Kemijärvi (Lappland) and Marcin Baczyk - Siedlce (Poland) will be sent to their native cities with a camera to film people, traffic, landscapes and movement patterns in public spaces, in order to prepare for the process for a stage production. Their specific cultural backgrounds are then deconstructed and cross-pollinated into siamese hybrid expressions, interlaced by movement language from public spaces.

The video materials will be mixed with footage created in Berlin during the rehearsal process, in order to produce a dance film, which is partially presented after the performances as an interactive video installation.

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